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Frith Sculptures Sitting Hare - Frith PJ018
Frith Sculptures Dancing Hare - Frith PJ016
Frith Sculptures Boxing Hares - Frith PJ015
Frith Sculptures Spring Hare Frith SAN009
Frith Sculptures Hare Grooming - Frith SN137
Frith Sculptures Hound Dog - Frith SN124
Frith Sculptures Loving Cats - Frith SN052
Frith Sculptures Faithful Labrador - Frith HDN119
Frith Sculptures Lurcher Waiting - Frith HDN073
Frith Sculptures Happy Pup - Frith HDN061
Frith Sculptures Mission Accomplished - Frith GWN003
Frith Sculptures Barn Owl Flying - Frith GRN001
Frith Sculptures Love Forever Small - Frith ATN052
Frith Sculptures Love Forever Medium - Frith ATN048
Frith Sculptures Love Forever Large - Frith ATN032
Frith Sculptures Ted - Hare Alarmed - Frith TM011
Frith Sculptures Tim - Hare on all 4's - Frith TM010
Frith Sculptures Tess - The Dorset Hare (Jill) - Frith TM009
Frith Sculptures Thomas - The Dorset Hare (Jack) - Frith TM008
Frith Sculptures Mini Cockapoo - still hungry! - Frith AT050
Frith Harry Cockapoo Dinner please! - Frith AT049
Frith Love Hearts Small - Frith AT052
Frith Love Hearts Medium - Frith AT048
Frith Sculptures Enduring Love - Frith AT032
Frith Sculptures Silverback Gorilla - Frith AT021
Frith Sculptures Curve - Frith AT016
Frith Sculptures Endless Love - Frith AT015
Frith Sculptures Marianne – female torso blue patina - LJ012
Frith Sculptures Cristiana Girl on Beach - LJ011
Frith Sculptures Female Torso - LJ008
Frith Sculptures Caribbean Bronze - LJ002B
Frith Sculptures Buffy & Willow - Friendly Owls - Frith PA003
Frith Sculptures Hootie and Screech - Frith PA001
Frith Sculptures Olivia – Elegant Lady - Frith MK009
Frith Sculptures Just Dance - Frith MK007
Frith Sculptures Strictly Ballroom
Frith Sculptures MINIMA - Morag Sitting Highland Cow - MINIMA VBM001
Frith Sculptures Tibbles Cat Stretching - MINIMA TMM016
Frith Sculptures Sooty Cat Lying - MINIMA TMM015
Frith Sculptures Cilla Cat Sitting - MINIMA TMM014